Education and continual personal vocal improvement is important to all chorus members who strive for excellence in a warm, supportive and joyful community.
We enjoy our rehearsals and love to perform at both high profile public events and private functions. We also compete at the annual Sweet Adelines Australia convention, to be held in Hobart in May 2025, and have achieved highly in Sydney Eisteddfods.
December is a busy time for carolling including performances for City of Sydney Christmas at Martin Place and around the city, and Dee Why RSL.
We rehearse Mondays from 7.15 - 9.45pm in Belrose and are part of a global women's singing organisation Sweet Adelines International.
Our music is arranged in four parts - Tenor, Lead, Baritone and Bass and we are led by Associate Directors, Linda Wareham and Kylie Shanley. Entry is through a simple audition to assess potential and basic harmonic accuracy, usually after a short introductory program on the barbershop style.
To complement our vocal skills, Northern Beaches Chorus also focuses on the quality and artistry of the visual product to enhance our connection with our audiences and to make sure we entertain!
If you're interested in singing with us, please see our Membership page, and you can find more information on booking the choir on our Bookings page.